Sponsor the Show
The Morris Educational Foundation (MEF) was founded in 1992 with the mission to enhance educational opportunities for the students in the Morris School District (MSD) public schools. Today MSD educates 5,700 students across Pre-K to 12 in 10 schools with 1,000 educators. The MEF and its generous donors have invested $5.8 million dollars since its inception in programs and classroom grants in areas supporting academics, the arts, athletics, and scholarships for high school graduates.
Morristown ONSTAGE (MOS) is the largest annual fundraising event for the MEF, and all proceeds benefit our mission. Celebrating its 17th year, the event is returning to the Mayo Performing Arts Center on February 29th, 2024. Imagine the possibilities your support can provide to our students. Please consider joining the MEF’s enduring legacy of serving students by supporting Morristown ONSTAGE. Thank you for your consideration!
Morristown ONSTAGE 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
To view the full list of Morristown ONSTAGE sponsorship tiers and benefits, click here.